The Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe (SC/ST) Cell of PSG Polytechnic College was established for the welfare of the SC/ST students, members of the staff and faculty of PSG Polytechnic College. The cell functions for effective implementation of the policies in affairs related to student admissions, teaching and administration to achieve the objectives of higher education in continuous monitoring and evaluating the targets laid down related to SC/ST affairs by the AICTE/DoTE.
To fulfill the prescribed norms of AICTE/ DoTE, the SC/ST Cell was constituted in 2016 at PSG Polytechnic College for caring SC/ST students, teaching and administrative staffs'. The cell will monitor the guidelines issued by the AICTE/ DoTE, Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu with respect to the reservation policies and to implement the same in the PSG Polytechnic Colleges.
The college takes a special interest in facilitating financial support to students belonging to these communities from government agencies and other sources. They are also encouraged to enroll for career orientation programs, which would equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option. The cell will also look into the implementation of reservation in admissions to programmes at our college for SC/ST students.
The SC/ST students and employees can approach the Liaison officer of the Cell for redressal of any grievance(s) regarding academic, administrative or social problems. The Liaison officer will meet the concerned students and staff (Teaching and Non Teaching) to understand their problem and to render them necessary suggestion/help to resolve the issue. Follow-up actions will be taken up, if necessary.
According to the Constitution of India, our country is a "sovereign socialist secular democratic republic, right to equality is a fundamental Right that includes the right to equality before law; prohibition of discrimination (Article 15); equality of opportunities in matters of public employment (Article 16)". The Constitution further specifies that "this will not prevent the state from making special provisions for Women, Children, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes". Article 17 declares abolition of untouchability, forbidding its practice in any form.
The Directive Principles of State Policy of the constitution include promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other Weaker Sections (Article 46). Any disability, liability, restriction of conditions with regard to access to shops, public restaurants, hotels, and places of public entertainment or use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of state funds or dedicated to the use of general public are removed according to Article 15(2). Article 16 and 355 permit the states to make reservation for backward classes in public services in case of inadequate representation. Tribal advisory councils and separate departments are set up in states to promote the welfare and safeguard the interests of the Tribal (Article 164 and 338 and Fifth Scheduled). Article 244 and Fifth and Sixth Schedules make special provision for administration and control of scheduled and tribal areas.
The Reservation Policy is a Constitutional device in the creation of a society of equals. It is an exception to the principle of equality, as the principle of equality operates within the equals and to equate equals with unequals, thus indirectly perpetuating inequality. Reservation for SCs and STs is founded upon the ideology of compensatory justice for their sufferings for ages without having fault on their side. The quota of reservation has been decided by the Constitution in accordance with the percentage of the population of SCs and STs, being 15% and 7.5%, respectively.
The Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 (earlier untouchability Offences Act, 1955), which is in force since 1976, provides penalties for preventing any person on grounds of untouchability, from enjoying the rights. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act of 1989/Registered No. DL-(N) 04/0007/2003-14, Amendment ordinance specifies the offences which are considered as atrocities and provides deterrent punishments. Comprehensive rules prepared under this Act provide relief and preventive rehabilitation measures to the affected persons. By virtue of the Constitution (65th Amendment) Act of 1990, the Special Post under Article 338 of the Constitution has been substituted by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, mainly to investigate and monitor all matters relating to the safety of SCs/STs. Constitutional Safeguards for SCs/STs.
The cell gives continuous moral guidance and support to the students to apply for various scholarships through proper channel. It also insists on follow-up activities. Schemes/scholarships available for SC/ST students
Chairperson | ||
Dr R Selladurai, Lecturer (SG-II), Dept.of Mechanical Engg.,(Chairperson) | ||
Mrs B Arthy, Lecturer (Senior Scale), Dept.of Mechanical Engg., (Member) | ||
Mrs R Uma, Lecturer, Dept.of Information Technology (Member) | ||
Mr S Balusamy, Junior Draughting Officer, (Member) | ||
Mr R Babu, Law Officer, PSG Industrial Institute (Member) |
Will be updated soon
Contact | |||||
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Dr R Selladurai, Lecturer (SG-II), Department of Mechanical Engineering PSG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore-04 |
Email: [email protected] Mobile Number: 9842294744 |
Any student who wishes to file a grievance can contact the chairperson of College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC) in the college office.
Students can file the grievance online.